Anime Crush List

But these aren't all anime characters! 💢

Get over it

Where are the pictures?! 😡

Not here

Fuck you! 🖕

You wish! You gotta buy me dinner first 😎

who where notes
A2 NieR: Automata
Alois Trancy Black Butler
Artful Dodger, The Oliver!
Becky Sin City
Blair Days Gone she's got all kinds a' stuff
Brittany S. Pierce Glee
Cecilia Dishonored
Chloe In Bruges
Cloud Strife Final Fantasy
one of the Dancing Devils Sayonara Wild Hearts farthest right when first seen at the end of Hatehell Valley, and first to attack
one of Das Sound Machine Pitch Perfect 2 front and center for the start of their World Champonship finale performance; featured member throughout
Dana Zane VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Diver Gamesmaster series 2
Dorothy Haze VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Emil NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
Jezzy Days Gone bounty collector at Copeland's camp
Juuzou Suzuya Tokyo Ghoul
Kurisu Makise Steins;Gate
Luka Urushibara
NiceTry global Twitch emote circa 2024
Ra Stargate the movie
Raziel Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Roof Ninja Midland, Michigan
Rui Kanoya Re:Creators
Sei Asagiri VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Sheva Alomar Resident Evil 5
Shiro Deadman Wonderland
Shuvi No Game No Life: Zero
Sora Kingdom Hearts
Tails Sonic the Hedgehog
Tali'Zorah Mass Effect not that abomination of a face reveal photo bullshit
Teddie Persona 4
Tirn Aill Metal Gear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 3 guessing the character name, derived from the Revolt of Tirn Aill; the image in MGS3 appears to be cropped from Knight of disguising as a man by HiroUsuda
Willow Rosenburg Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV seasons 1-3
Zero Drakengard 3